Engine parts for R129, Mercedes SL class

Real parts with real pictures

1190110301 1190163501 | Mercedes 500SL | R129 Engine M119 960
1190110301 1190163501 | Mercedes 500SL | R129 Engine M119 960
1190110301 1190163501 | Mercedes 500SL | R129 Engine M119 960
1190110301 1190163501 | Mercedes 500SL | R129 Engine M119 960


Engine M119 960

M113961 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 M113 961 engine
M113961 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 M113 961 engine
M113961 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 M113 961 engine
M113961 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 M113 961 engine


M113 961 engine

1190105902 0049698110 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 M119.982 12 engine
1190105902 0049698110 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 M119.982 12 engine
1190105902 0049698110 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 M119.982 12 engine
1190105902 0049698110 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 M119.982 12 engine


M119.982 12 engine

1190105902 11998212 1190102750 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 M119.982.12 engine
1190105902 11998212 1190102750 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 M119.982.12 engine
1190105902 11998212 1190102750 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 M119.982.12 engine
1190105902 11998212 1190102750 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 M119.982.12 engine


M119.982.12 engine

R129 Full Engine (M119, M113) for sale

The Mercedes R129 possesses one of the finest engines among classic cars, offering an impressive power output while maintaining excellent gas mileage. In addition to their performance, these engines were designed with environmental considerations in mind, embodying an eco-friendly approach to driving. The speed of the car was equally remarkable, complementing the mass of benefits that the engine seamlessly provided. The original engines were equipped with exceptional features. Unfortunately, over time, there has been a noticeable decline in the quality of engines available in the market. Aftermarket counterparts are often sold at higher prices without matching the superior attributes of the genuine ones.

What we offer

Our website offers fully refurbished R129 engines for sale for Mercedes 500SL variants, carefully raised from various perfectly working Mercedes R129. The engines we sell boast 8 cylinders, 32 valves, and operate on gasoline as their power source. As they have been resurrected, they may exhibit minor issues like a broken manifold, slight oil leaks, and traces of rust. However, rest assured, they function seamlessly and are genuine engines crafted by Mercedes. While they are essentially similar, the prices vary, reflecting the differing levels of care each has received. One stands out for its good maintenance, influencing its price compared to the others

Why we are the best

We assist our customers by offering continuous support, providing them with the convenience of reaching out to us at any challenging point during their search for R129 parts. We also provide our customers with the best offers, ensuring that they are remarkably affordable for our customers. We assure you that our selection includes the best-selling items, surpassing others, to help your car recapture the essence of its golden era.