Shop for R129 spare parts - new and used Mercedes SL parts

Real parts with real pictures

1296940011 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Trunk latch striker plate
1296940011 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Trunk latch striker plate
1296940011 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Trunk latch striker plate


Trunk latch striker plate

1292420801 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Gearbox rear holding bracket
1292420801 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Gearbox rear holding bracket
1292420801 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Gearbox rear holding bracket
1292420801 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Gearbox rear holding bracket


Gearbox rear holding bracket

1191500175 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Right ignition coil cover from 5.0L engine
1191500175 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Right ignition coil cover from 5.0L engine
1191500175 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Right ignition coil cover from 5.0L engine
1191500175 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Right ignition coil cover from 5.0L engine


Right ignition coil cover from 5.0L engine

1408216451 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Hazard warning light switch
1408216451 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Hazard warning light switch
1408216451 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Hazard warning light switch
1408216451 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Hazard warning light switch


Hazard warning light switch

1192000305 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Fan belt pulley wheel
1192000305 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Fan belt pulley wheel
1192000305 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Fan belt pulley wheel
1192000305 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Fan belt pulley wheel


Fan belt pulley wheel

1298102317 9051 | Mercedes SL-Class | R129 Sun Visor Mirror
1298102317 9051 | Mercedes SL-Class | R129 Sun Visor Mirror
1298102317 9051 | Mercedes SL-Class | R129 Sun Visor Mirror
1298102317 9051 | Mercedes SL-Class | R129 Sun Visor Mirror


Sun Visor Mirror

1298000272 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Soft roof main hydraulic cylinder
1298000272 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Soft roof main hydraulic cylinder
1298000272 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Soft roof main hydraulic cylinder
1298000272 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Soft roof main hydraulic cylinder


Soft roof main hydraulic cylinder

1296400983 1296401083 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Rear lid cylinder mounting bracket
1296400983 1296401083 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Rear lid cylinder mounting bracket
1296400983 1296401083 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Rear lid cylinder mounting bracket
1296400983 1296401083 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Rear lid cylinder mounting bracket


Rear lid cylinder mounting bracket

1295450840 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Fuse box cable mount
1295450840 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Fuse box cable mount
1295450840 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Fuse box cable mount


Fuse box cable mount

1190940082 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Left side air intake pipe
1190940082 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Left side air intake pipe
1190940082 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Left side air intake pipe
1190940082 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Left side air intake pipe


Left side air intake pipe

1298213636 1298213536 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Cable channel boot mounted
1298213636 1298213536 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Cable channel boot mounted
1298213636 1298213536 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Cable channel boot mounted
1298213636 1298213536 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Cable channel boot mounted


Cable channel boot mounted

1298210314 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Roof hydraulic pump wiring and line bracket
1298210314 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Roof hydraulic pump wiring and line bracket
1298210314 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Roof hydraulic pump wiring and line bracket


Roof hydraulic pump wiring and line bracket

1299900150 2019900050 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Exterior rubber caps and plastic
1299900150 2019900050 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Exterior rubber caps and plastic
1299900150 2019900050 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Exterior rubber caps and plastic


Exterior rubber caps and plastic

1298002072 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Folding top case cover cylinder
1298002072 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Folding top case cover cylinder
1298002072 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Folding top case cover cylinder
1298002072 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Folding top case cover cylinder


Folding top case cover cylinder

1295400344 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Steering column height adjust control switch
1295400344 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Steering column height adjust control switch
1295400344 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Steering column height adjust control switch
1295400344 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Steering column height adjust control switch


Steering column height adjust control switch

1297273488 1297272888 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Right door panel speaker cover
1297273488 1297272888 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Right door panel speaker cover
1297273488 1297272888 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Right door panel speaker cover
1297273488 1297272888 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Right door panel speaker cover


Right door panel speaker cover

0018200026 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Crash sensor control module
0018200026 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Crash sensor control module
0018200026 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Crash sensor control module
0018200026 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Crash sensor control module


Crash sensor control module

1294207628 1294207828 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Brake lines
1294207628 1294207828 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Brake lines
1294207628 1294207828 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Brake lines
1294207628 1294207828 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Brake lines


Brake lines

1299900150 N914031006211 2019900050 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Exterior screws and rubber caps
1299900150 N914031006211 2019900050 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Exterior screws and rubber caps
1299900150 N914031006211 2019900050 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Exterior screws and rubber caps


Exterior screws and rubber caps

0004282730 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Brake system distribution block
0004282730 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Brake system distribution block
0004282730 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Brake system distribution block
0004282730 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Brake system distribution block


Brake system distribution block

1295240176 0019902512 1295240076 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Strut disks with bolts
1295240176 0019902512 1295240076 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Strut disks with bolts
1295240176 0019902512 1295240076 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Strut disks with bolts


Strut disks with bolts

1294630390 1294600295 1294630510 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Steering tie rod shielding right side
1294630390 1294600295 1294630510 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Steering tie rod shielding right side
1294630390 1294600295 1294630510 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Steering tie rod shielding right side
1294630390 1294600295 1294630510 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Steering tie rod shielding right side


Steering tie rod shielding right side

1297502128 1297502228 1299800664 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Rear trunk hinge kit
1297502128 1297502228 1299800664 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Rear trunk hinge kit
1297502128 1297502228 1299800664 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Rear trunk hinge kit
1297502128 1297502228 1299800664 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Rear trunk hinge kit


Rear trunk hinge kit

1299701450 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Headrest front right seat
1299701450 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Headrest front right seat
1299701450 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Headrest front right seat
1299701450 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Headrest front right seat


Headrest front right seat

1295012582 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Heating water hose
1295012582 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Heating water hose
1295012582 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Heating water hose
1295012582 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Heating water hose


Heating water hose

1296970720 1296970820 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Folding top case rail both sides
1296970720 1296970820 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Folding top case rail both sides
1296970720 1296970820 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Folding top case rail both sides
1296970720 1296970820 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Folding top case rail both sides


Folding top case rail both sides

1295408834 1295408133 1295404807 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Inboard cable harness
1295408834 1295408133 1295404807 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Inboard cable harness
1295408834 1295408133 1295404807 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Inboard cable harness
1295408834 1295408133 1295404807 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Inboard cable harness


Inboard cable harness

1169880578 | Mercedes 500SL | R129 Door panel trim clamps
1169880578 | Mercedes 500SL | R129 Door panel trim clamps


Door panel trim clamps

1297274088 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Right door panel trim
1297274088 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Right door panel trim
1297274088 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Right door panel trim
1297274088 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Right door panel trim


Right door panel trim

1297200822 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Right door panel wooden trim
1297200822 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Right door panel wooden trim
1297200822 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Right door panel wooden trim
1297200822 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Right door panel wooden trim


Right door panel wooden trim

0015409981 0015402481 0089974281 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Transmission wiring connectors
0015409981 0015402481 0089974281 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Transmission wiring connectors
0015409981 0015402481 0089974281 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Transmission wiring connectors
0015409981 0015402481 0089974281 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Transmission wiring connectors


Transmission wiring connectors

1298900409 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Roof hydraulic pump cover
1298900409 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Roof hydraulic pump cover
1298900409 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Roof hydraulic pump cover
1298900409 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Roof hydraulic pump cover


Roof hydraulic pump cover

1295460141 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Plus battery cable connector
1295460141 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Plus battery cable connector
1295460141 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Plus battery cable connector


Plus battery cable connector

1192380082 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Air pump hose
1192380082 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Air pump hose
1192380082 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Air pump hose
1192380082 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Air pump hose


Air pump hose

1298002578 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Convertible top left hydraulic valve block
1298002578 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Convertible top left hydraulic valve block
1298002578 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Convertible top left hydraulic valve block
1298002578 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Convertible top left hydraulic valve block


Convertible top left hydraulic valve block

N914127003201 N914127004201 N914031004200 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Interior and trunk screws
N914127003201 N914127004201 N914031004200 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Interior and trunk screws
N914127003201 N914127004201 N914031004200 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Interior and trunk screws
N914127003201 N914127004201 N914031004200 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Interior and trunk screws


Interior and trunk screws

1297201048 1297200248 | Mercedes 500SL | R129 Right door glove box cover
1297201048 1297200248 | Mercedes 500SL | R129 Right door glove box cover
1297201048 1297200248 | Mercedes 500SL | R129 Right door glove box cover
1297201048 1297200248 | Mercedes 500SL | R129 Right door glove box cover


Right door glove box cover

1298000774 1298001672 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Front roof left lock latch
1298000774 1298001672 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Front roof left lock latch
1298000774 1298001672 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Front roof left lock latch
1298000774 1298001672 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Front roof left lock latch


Front roof left lock latch

1298850081 12988500817700 | Mercedes SL-Class | R129 Prefacelift front bumper license plate holder
1298850081 12988500817700 | Mercedes SL-Class | R129 Prefacelift front bumper license plate holder
1298850081 12988500817700 | Mercedes SL-Class | R129 Prefacelift front bumper license plate holder
1298850081 12988500817700 | Mercedes SL-Class | R129 Prefacelift front bumper license plate holder


Prefacelift front bumper license plate holder

1297274388 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Front right door loudspeaker cover
1297274388 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Front right door loudspeaker cover
1297274388 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Front right door loudspeaker cover
1297274388 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Front right door loudspeaker cover


Front right door loudspeaker cover

1295460241 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Wire connection terminal block with bracket
1295460241 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Wire connection terminal block with bracket
1295460241 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Wire connection terminal block with bracket
1295460241 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Wire connection terminal block with bracket


Wire connection terminal block with bracket

1295240176 0019902512 1295240076 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Strut disks with bolts
1295240176 0019902512 1295240076 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Strut disks with bolts
1295240176 0019902512 1295240076 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Strut disks with bolts


Strut disks with bolts

1298260677 1298260877 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Front right headlight lamp trim
1298260677 1298260877 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Front right headlight lamp trim
1298260677 1298260877 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Front right headlight lamp trim
1298260677 1298260877 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Front right headlight lamp trim


Front right headlight lamp trim

1298100254 | Mercedes 500SL | R129 Right door panel handle
1298100254 | Mercedes 500SL | R129 Right door panel handle
1298100254 | Mercedes 500SL | R129 Right door panel handle
1298100254 | Mercedes 500SL | R129 Right door panel handle


Right door panel handle

1297660264 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Right door inner opening handle
1297660264 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Right door inner opening handle
1297660264 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Right door inner opening handle
1297660264 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Right door inner opening handle


Right door inner opening handle

0005454430 0365451128 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Wiring connector for central locking pump
0005454430 0365451128 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Wiring connector for central locking pump
0005454430 0365451128 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Wiring connector for central locking pump


Wiring connector for central locking pump

1295000849 | Mercedes SL-Class | R129 Radiator coolant expansion tank
1295000849 | Mercedes SL-Class | R129 Radiator coolant expansion tank
1295000849 | Mercedes SL-Class | R129 Radiator coolant expansion tank
1295000849 | Mercedes SL-Class | R129 Radiator coolant expansion tank


Radiator coolant expansion tank

1407600341 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Door card locking button trim
1407600341 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Door card locking button trim
1407600341 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Door card locking button trim


Door card locking button trim

2025453828 2025453728 | Mercedes S350 | W140 Radio wiring connectors
2025453828 2025453728 | Mercedes S350 | W140 Radio wiring connectors
2025453828 2025453728 | Mercedes S350 | W140 Radio wiring connectors
2025453828 2025453728 | Mercedes S350 | W140 Radio wiring connectors


Radio wiring connectors

1298002072 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Folding top case cover cylinder
1298002072 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Folding top case cover cylinder
1298002072 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Folding top case cover cylinder
1298002072 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Folding top case cover cylinder


Folding top case cover cylinder

0365450828 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Audio optical cable harness
0365450828 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Audio optical cable harness
0365450828 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Audio optical cable harness
0365450828 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Audio optical cable harness


Audio optical cable harness

1294202785 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Handbrake parking brake cable
1294202785 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Handbrake parking brake cable
1294202785 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Handbrake parking brake cable
1294202785 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Handbrake parking brake cable


Handbrake parking brake cable

1299900150 N914031006211 2019900050 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Exterior screws and rubber caps
1299900150 N914031006211 2019900050 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Exterior screws and rubber caps
1299900150 N914031006211 2019900050 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Exterior screws and rubber caps


Exterior screws and rubber caps

1298212351 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Rear window heater switch
1298212351 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Rear window heater switch
1298212351 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Rear window heater switch
1298212351 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Rear window heater switch


Rear window heater switch

1297201174 | Mercedes 500SL | R129 Left door glovebox trim
1297201174 | Mercedes 500SL | R129 Left door glovebox trim
1297201174 | Mercedes 500SL | R129 Left door glovebox trim
1297201174 | Mercedes 500SL | R129 Left door glovebox trim


Left door glovebox trim

1298002172 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Rear lock latch cylinder
1298002172 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Rear lock latch cylinder
1298002172 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Rear lock latch cylinder
1298002172 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Rear lock latch cylinder


Rear lock latch cylinder

1299900150 N914031006211 2019900050 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Exterior screws and rubber caps
1299900150 N914031006211 2019900050 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Exterior screws and rubber caps
1299900150 N914031006211 2019900050 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Exterior screws and rubber caps
1299900150 N914031006211 2019900050 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Exterior screws and rubber caps


Exterior screws and rubber caps

0005454581 1298203926C 1928401676 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Roof control module wiring connectors
0005454581 1298203926C 1928401676 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Roof control module wiring connectors
0005454581 1298203926C 1928401676 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Roof control module wiring connectors
0005454581 1298203926C 1928401676 | Mercedes SL500 | R129 Roof control module wiring connectors


Roof control module wiring connectors

2019900536 0019949845 | Mercedes SL-Class | R129 Engine compartment shield bolts and clip nuts
2019900536 0019949845 | Mercedes SL-Class | R129 Engine compartment shield bolts and clip nuts
2019900536 0019949845 | Mercedes SL-Class | R129 Engine compartment shield bolts and clip nuts
2019900536 0019949845 | Mercedes SL-Class | R129 Engine compartment shield bolts and clip nuts


Engine compartment shield bolts and clip nuts

1297270207 | Mercedes 500SL | R129 Right door panel leather trim
1297270207 | Mercedes 500SL | R129 Right door panel leather trim
1297270207 | Mercedes 500SL | R129 Right door panel leather trim
1297270207 | Mercedes 500SL | R129 Right door panel leather trim


Right door panel leather trim

Tips & Tricks

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About Us - Your Mercedes SL R129 Parts Store

Welcome to, your premier online destination for top-quality Mercedes-Benz SL Class R129 spare parts. We specialize in providing a wide range of both new and used spare parts for the R129 model at competitive prices. While our primary focus is on the R129, many of our spare parts are also compatible with other Mercedes-Benz models, ensuring a broader selection for your automotive needs.

Buy Original Mercedes R129 SL Class Parts is the brainchild of two passionate car enthusiasts, Uldis and Deniss. Being Based in Riga, Latvia, we also have a real office and garage. For those who are apprehensive about buying Mercedes car parts from an online seller (trust us, we totally understand) can visit our real life location and meet us whenever.

Our enduring love for the Mercedes-Benz SL Class with model code R129 inspired us to turn our automotive passion into a meaningful endeavor. Now, we ensure that continues to be the best place to find guaranteed Original R129 Mercedes-Benz parts online.

Our Love For the Mercedes Benz SL R129

We firmly believe that your work should be your passion. With this ethos in mind, we established our company, where our central mission is the meticulous restoration of Mercedes R129 models and the sale of both Mercedes SL R129 new parts and Mercedes SL R129 used parts. This way we can guarantee that there’s a little something for everyone.

We understand that certain spare parts for this model are no longer available as new, which is why we've taken a unique approach. We acquire non-restorable vehicles and carefully dismantle them to salvage valuable spare parts. Some of these parts find their way into our restoration projects, while others are offered to you through our online store. This is how we can confidently guarantee that there aren’t any R129 aftermarket parts.

Why Choose Us

When you choose to buy Mercedes SL R129 parts for sale from, you're choosing excellence. Here's why we stand out:
Quality Assurance: We exclusively offer top-notch products, thoroughly tested and vetted to meet your highest standards.
Customer-Centric Approach: Our customer-oriented service ensures your satisfaction is our top priority.
Swift Deliveries: Count on fast and reliable delivery services to get your parts to you promptly.
Competitive Pricing: We believe in offering quality at a fair price. The price of every item included in our Mercedes R129 parts catalog is as fair as can be.

At, we believe in complete transparency and reliability. Our new spare parts are authentic Mercedes products, still in their original packaging and never used. Meanwhile, our Mercedes SL R129 used parts undergo rigorous inspection, and any defects are clearly depicted in product images or descriptions.

Getting Your R129 Mercedes Parts Made Easy!

For your convenience, we've partnered with Stripe for secure payment processing. You can use various payment methods, including bank payment cards (Visa, MasterCard, etc.), Google Pay, Apple Pay and PayPal.

Our trusted partner, FedEx, handles all deliveries. You can expect your order to arrive within 3-5 business days. A tracking number will be provided after we pack your goods for shipment.

What’s more, is that we offer a 14-day money-back guarantee if you're not completely satisfied with your purchase. Conditions include:
  • The product must remain unused or uninstalled.
  • The product must be in the same condition as when you received it, undamaged.
  • You are responsible for the bought way shipping costs.
It doesn’t matter if you buy big Mercedes-Benz SL parts that are important to run your car or Mercedes R129 interior parts. As long as these conditions are met, we’ll be more than happy to accept your return.


We carefully inspect all R129 accessories and parts before offering them for sale. We do provide a 90-day warranty for every part you purchase from us. However, please note that it does not cover normal wear and tear, mechanical damage, or external influences. After all, a used spare part is, at the end of the day, used. In warranty return cases, we cover the shipping expenses.


For customers outside the European Union, local taxes and import fees apply, if applicable. In case of incomplete payment for these fees, the shipment will be returned to us. In such instances, the customer will be responsible for all associated shipping costs, including return shipping fees.